Discuss the hindrance to democracy in nigeria pdf

But the hindrances are presented differently within these different traditions, depending upon the way each tradition teaches the practice of meditation. Author 2 author 3 title the legislature and democracy in nigeria keywords description the legislature and democracy in nigeria category social science education publisher library cataloguing in publication data publication date. It is also the worlds eighth largest producer of crude oil and has been the united states second largest supplier for. Nigeria thus fell to britain more as a result of the diplomacy of imperialism than a matter of choice for any of the peoples that were to be enclosed within this grid that came to be organized and administered as one territorial unit called nigeria eleagu. Hence, the aim of this paper is to examine why democracy is not. To date this evidence has been observational and there is little theory to explain why. Nigeria is currently enjoying the 16 th consecutive year of democratic governance for the first time in her postcolonial history after the military handed over power to the olusegun obasanjo led administration on may 29 th 1999, democracy in nigeria witnessed a rather smooth change of power from one civilian led administration to the other as was seen in 2007 when then. Lack of infrastructure, deep seated corruption practices, various forms of conflict, bad governance and poor health facilities cannot promote a healthy population committed to work for progress and development. The relationship between poverty, conflict and development. Challenges facing democracy in nigeria and solutions. One may think that the biggest obstacle to african.

While power alternation is good for democracy, it shortens the lives of dictatorships. Democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. It identified the problems that have militated against nigerias democratic sustainability in the past to include lack of proper democratic institutions. The debate on how aid can be effective and contribute to africas development is, however, still ongoing without any clear way forward.

Chapter 1 representative democracy in nigeria introduction democracy is the form of government, in which the people of a country, state or local government area decide how they want to be governed. See the problems and prospects of democracy in nigeria. In nigeria, a major issue impeding democracy is the selection process of political office holders. More than half of the worlds population now live in a democracy of some sort, although only some per cent of that population reside in full democracies eiu, 2010. Feminism and political participation in nigeria 1078 the difference. The usa took nearly 200 years for its democracy to mature, and such time must also be given to african countries. In nigeria three types of government colonial, civilian and military had been in power at one. A western type of democracy will therefore be blended with an african democracy or africa will create its own democracy based on african culture and beliefs.

The key challenges to peace in nigeria nairametrics. Nigeria has not shown a significant and genuine commitment to the social, economic and political wellbeing of the country. There are many barriers to economic development in ghana. We reiterate that democracy and development cohabit and inactivity of the former destroys the later.

Conflicttriggered by political competition and communal, ethnic, religious or resource allocation rivalriesposes a major threat to democracy. These laws most often include laws of libel, sedition, defamation, official secrets, and national security. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. It is also the worlds eighth largest producer of crude oil and has been the united states second largest supplier for six. Democracy requires a rule of law framework in order to govern the interaction and coexistence of all citizens. Political leadership and corruption in nigeria since 1960. Perhaps, a little step back to history could be of immense help to the present generation of women revolutionaries. For it to therefore thrive anywhere, it must be promoted by ministers in the temple of justice7.

Pdf the state and election administration in nigeria. This study assessed the influence of media ownership and control on media agenda setting using nigeria as a case. Problems and prospects of the evoting option idike, adeline nnenna, a department of public administration and local government university of nigeria, nsukka email. It is therefore the growth in total economic output accompanied by changes in the structure of the economy. The paper concludes that for democracy to achieve its goals there is the need for the government. The influence of media ownership and control on media. Nigeria are expected to work, then, nigeria needs g ood governance so a s to be able to actualise its potentials and improve the wellb eing of the citiz ens and development in geopolitical terms. In doing these as well as in their day to day life, the. A true democracy is a sine qua non for the development of all sectors of any countrys economy. In a democracy the governments power is from the people and it relies on them to use that power. The five hindrances are identified in the major buddhist traditions of theravada buddhism and mahayana buddhism, as well in the contemporary insight meditation tradition. This paper establishes the relationship between poverty, conflict and development pcd in analysing instability in the african continent. The work is of the view that legislature is a veritable instrument and institution for. By doing so, the king acknowledged he was bound by law, like others, and granted his subjects legal rights.

Democracy as long as it is being imposed will never work. This work assesses the role of nigerian legislature in national development. In its analysis, the paper examines several variable factors that can help in the explanations of the relationship between pcd in africa. Democracy in nigeria problems and prospects information. By guaranteeing civil rights, the rule of law also creates the basic conditions in which individuals can pursue their own personal development as they choose. The challenges of leadership and governance in africa afegbua, salami issa. Some hindrances to democracy include greed, retrogressive cultures, suspicion and selective application of democratic rule. Some of the issues that will be discussed in this article are the concept of rule of law, democracy and development, shortcomings of democracy and development in nigeria. Generally, in the west, it is the manifestation of poverty, constraints, disease or accidents that propels it for progress. A democracy is a form of government where the people rule directly on everything that has an effect on their everyday lives. In this light, the paper concludes that for there to be significant improvement in the democratic processes, amongst others, nigerian political.

Perspective of nigerias democratic system by yusuf o. Corruption as a hindrance to economic development in nigeria. The writer in his paper seeks to discuss the concept of press freedom and the role of the media in kenya. For ikhide, democracy has, far from doing nigeria good, set the country back decades and provided a perfect alibi for the political class to bankrupt and bury the country once and for all. Democracy in nigeria has been a mere political desideratum hanging on a limping utopia adewusi, 2011. Many government institutions do not adequately engage with citizens or the private sector and lack the capacity to.

Pdf this study articulates the state of nigeria and the drive to addressing the. The paper attempts to critically analyse a number of factors that are seen as limiting the functional roles of the media. Aug 08, 2007 democracy requires a rule of law framework in order to govern the interaction and coexistence of all citizens. Problems and prospects of democracy in nigeria infoguideng.

Evidence of ineffective foreign assistance is widespread in africa. In 1215, english nobles pressured king john of england to sign a document known as the magna carta, a key step on the road to constitutional democracy. Political instability in africa where the problem lies and. The role of the bar by yusuf ali san rule of law is a concept whose abode is no where other than the temple of justice. The impact of globalization on africa in africa, its position in the international system has been considerably weakened by the fact that it has been losing the race for economic development in general, and human development in particular, to other regions, these. Democracy and governance in africa democratization in africa. Nigeria is currently enjoying the 16 th consecutive year of democratic governance for the first time in her postcolonial history after the military handed over power to the olusegun obasanjo led administration on may 29 th 1999, democracy in nigeria witnessed a rather smooth change of power from one civilian led administration to the other as was seen in 2007 when then president obasanjo.

When conflicts have not occurred, or have somehow abated, associated tensions have remained high, with all the attendant negative consequences on the socioeconomic and political. Linz and stepan 1996 on the other hand stress the importance of international influences. Major challenges facing africa in the 21st century. Jun 10, 2007 in africa though, poverty is a hindrance to progress. As observed by nwanolue and ojukwu 2012, the general success of any practicing democracy is deeply. The paper discusses some of the impediments to the institutionalisation of democracy in nigeria after more. What the academic literature has established is a robust relationship between democracy and stability, with democracies exhibiting lower growth volatility.

Ali esq every citizen of nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout nigeria and to reside in any part thereof, and no citizen of nigeria shall be expelled from nigeria or refused entry thereto or exist there from. This study will also touch all the lacunas of democracy in nigeria. Thus, the single most significant complex of socialcontrol tools for national development is found in the educational system. University of nigeria virtual library serial no isbn. As observed by nwanolue and ojukwu 2012, the general success of any practicing democracy is deeply incumbent upon three major. The 2003 elections were billed as a landmark as it was the first time since independence in 1960 that political leadership changed hands from one. This is because so far, the country has been unable to hold free, fair and credible elections. Modernization and dependency theories flashcards quizlet. In doing these as well as in their daytoday life, the. Democratic consolidation in nigeria papers in the ssrn. The paper adopted content analysis approach to source its data and concluded that democracy is an ingredient of development. A moderate frequency of alternation in office increases the stability of democracies. Corruption as a hindrance to economic development in. While it remains true that nigeria is governed by democratically elected leaders at the federal and state levels, nigeria is yet to institutionalise democracy after a century of existence as a political entity.

They must also be exposed and be prepared to face the challenges of leadership in developing society. Tough words, but those who know ikhide know that he can be unapologetically melodramatic and passionate in expressing his opinions. Corruption and development corruption is the single greatest obstacle to economic and social development around the world1. Before the advent of british colonisation, nigeria women had access to political participation and played prominent roles in. Democracy is more stable in more egalitarian societies. There are roadblocks to a strong democracy in nigeria at all levels of government.

In countries such as nigeria, ghana, sierra leone, zaire, and the central. Over years, nigeria has been wallowing in the coffin of poverty, underdevelopment, unemployment, power instability, securities menace, and political hullabaloos, all this has been a problem combating a nation that was once giant of africa, democracy in nigeria. Education expenditure and economic growth in nigeria. The influence of media ownership and control on media agenda. The mass media and the struggle for democracy in africa. Comparing western and african democracy challenges and. Literally it may be affirmed that poverty and development are two sides to a coin. Economic development has to occur after a period of sustained economic growth. Herskovits 1979, nigeria rejected britains parliamentary form of democracy which they had continued after independence in 1960 and chose the first wholly nigerianmade constitution, to follow the american model instead. It is important, however, to understand the kind of media freedom in these countries is not in any way comparable with what is known to exist in the u. Again, nigeria in may 29, 1999 returned to a democratic rule that. Many government institutions do not adequately engage with citizens or the private sector and. Citizens rights to the decisions made by the government can be handled directly by entering their positions. The challenges of leadership and governance in africa.

Nigeria is the fourth world largest democracy with a population of over 160 million and world sixth largest oil supplier and blessed with economic potentials, but majority of the nigerian population is poor due bad governance. On october 1 nigeria added to its list of vital statistics a new status as the worlds fourth largest democracy. On the other hand, the politically conscious urbanized, professional and studies. Members of the noble legal profession, commonly known as lawyers, are the. Democracy and electoral process in nigeria politics essay. Since the return to democracy in nigeria, the political leaders of nigeria are like men driving lorries that has lost its breaks and steering wheels. Democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Comparing western and african democracy challenges and opportunities continuous imposition of the western model of democracy will only lead to western frustration and african rejection, just like in the middle east, latin america and other parts of the world. Political instability in africa where the problem lies and alternative perspectives. Democracy, corruption and the rule of law in nigeria. It must therefore be sustained to evolve and ensure sustainable development. The influence of media ownership and control on media agenda setting in nigeria okafor godson okwuchukwu phd department of mass communication, nnamdi azikiwe university, awka nigeria abstract. Literarily, democracy means rule by the people appadorai 2004 described democracy as a.

A few provocative remarks ibrahim farah, sylvia kiamba and kesegofetse mazongo1 at the international symposium on cultural diplomacy in africa strategies to. The paper argues that the political leadership class in nigeria cannot exonerate itself from the current travails of socioeconomic underdevelopment in the country. However, the international context often plays an important role in both the transition in general and the presence of violence in particular lupo, 2004. Introduction in the last half a century, many countries have transited to democracy. In simple terms, the objective of the paper is to identify and discuss the challenges to democracy and good governance in the country and proffer suggestions for a better democratic nigeria. Everyone expected the return of nigeria to democratic rule will bring about development.

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